Professor Shen Pián
graduated in 1962 from Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Bachelor of Medicine degree. Since then he has been working as a doctor in the Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital which is affiliated to the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese medicine. He was appointed professor of Chinese Medicine more than 30 years ago. A director of the Rheumatology and Immunology Department of the hospital and supervisor of PhD students, Professor Shen is also chairperson of the hospitals Immunology Research committee, the Shanghai SLE Treatment Center and the Shanghai Chinese Medicine Immune Diseases Consultative Center, consultant to the rheumatology section of the national Chinese medicine institute and an honorary member of the Shanghai Chinese Medicine Rheumatology Institute. He is currently honorary consultant at the Diakonissen Hospital in Austria and has also lectured in Japan and Taiwan. A number of his empirical formulae for treating SLE, rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatological disorders have been granted patents in China. A prolific author, Professor Shen has written more than 10 books related to his specialties including Clinical Study of Chinese Medicine in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Current Immunology in Chinese Medicine, Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases with Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology and clinical Application of Chinese Materia Medica. His first book in English is Shen´s Textbook of the Management of Autoimmune Diseases with Chinese Medicine. Here you can read in the book:
Shen`s Textbook on Management of Autoimmune Diseases TCM
Spezialist für Fachbücher aus Akupunktur, Traditioneller Chinesischer Medizin, Qigong, Naturheilverfahren, Homöopathie und Physiotherapie. Jährlich auf vielen, wichtigen Kongressen wie der TCM-Kongress in Rothenburg, dem ASA-Kongress und dem Tao-Kongress in Österreich vertreten. Seit Jahren Verlagsleiter eines Verlages für TCM, Akupunktur und Homöopathie.