R. Doane
Robert Doane EAMP, L.AC, has been practicing Chinese medicine for more than 20 years and has an impressive background that brings people from around the world to his clinic to be treated by him. In 1998 he and his wife started the Acupuncture & Wellness Center, P.S. in Poulsbo, Washington. The clinic became the largest private Chinese medical clinic in the State of Washington and at present is also the largest in the United States. Doane holds a Master of Oriental Medicine, is NCCAOM certified in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, and is licensed to practice acupuncture in the State of Washington. Doane also teaches his methods to Chinese and Western doctors in 36 countries and regularly lectures in England, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Austria, Australia, Canada and the U.S. He has been and continues to be the keynote speaker at the largest Chinese medical forum in the world, TCM World Kongress in Rothenburg, Germany. Doane is a Fellow in the prestigious American Academy of Pain Management.
Robert Doane ist Betreiber des Akupunktur und Wellness Center, P.S. in Poulsbo, Washington. Doanes Klinik ist seit 10 Jahren wahrscheinlich die größte Praxis für Chinesische Medizin in den Vereinigten Staaten. Seine Klinik behandelt täglich zwischen 100 und 140 Patienten, 5 Tage die Woche. Doane hat von der Universität Washington einen Abschluss in Physik und vom College in Santa Barbara einen Masters in Orientalischer Medizin. Er verbrachte 10 Jahre seines Lebens in einem Kloster. Er lehrte über 2000 Menschen in Amerika und Indien eine Form der Tiefenmediation und verbrachte 2 Jahre in Schweigen.