Search Results for: ätherische öle

L.M. Jacob

Dr. med. Ludwig Manfred Jacob, Jahrgang 1971, hat als Schwerpunkt die komplementärmedizinischen Forschung. Er promovierte zum Thema Prostatakrebs und Polyphenole, insbesondere Granatapfel-Polyphenole, bei Prof. K.-F. Klippel, Präsident der Gesellschaft für...

Becky Cole

Becky Cole is Wild Gardener, Mama, Folk Herbalist, Regenerative Farmer & Seasonal Living Podcaster, Author of The Garden Apothecary, BBC Radio 2 Contributor. In 2022 she recives her certificate as...

T. Oleson

Terry Oleson, PhD, Chair, Department of Psychology and the Division of Behavioral Medicine, California Graduate Institute; Faculty member, Emperor’s College of Traditional Chinese Medicine; President, Centre for Oriental Medicine Research...

Nicole Reese

In ihre erste Yogastunde geriet Nicole Reese während ihres Studiums eher zufällig – auf der Suche nach mehr Ruhe im Kopf. Fasziniert von der Gelassenheit, Kraft und Energie, die sich...

Nicole Lehner

Das Leben im Einklang mit der Natur, die Kindheit auf dem Lande, mit dem Zauberwald und dem Zauberbach hinter dem Haus – das war für Nicole Lehner, Jahrgang 1979, der...

H. Voisin

Henri Voisin (1896 – 1975) wuchs in Touraine in einer Offiziersfamilie auf. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg setzte er sein in den Jahren zuvor begonnenes Medizinstudium an der École de Santé...
The Hidden Codes of the Daodejing

The Hidden Codes of the Daodejing

Archeological, Numerological and Thematic context interpretations

This book on the ancient Chinese cultural background is a complete translation the text of Wángbì’s Hàn Dynasty. Order here

N. Menche

Nicole Menche Nach dem Studium der Humanmedizin ärzliche Tätigkeit in Klinik und Praxis, Schwerpunkt Innere Medizin. Seit 1991 freiberufliche wissenschaftliche Autorin. Bekannt auch als Herausgeberin von Pflege heute und BAP.

Günter Harnisch

Dr. Günter Harnisch kennt als Traumforscher und Traumtherapeut die Sprache der Symbole genau. Er ist langjähriger Leiter des Arbeitskreis: gesund leben. Er befasst sich vor allem mit der Erforschung und...

P. Sommerfeld Brüssel (CBO), an der Wiener Schule für Osteopathie (WSO), an der Ecole Suisse d’Ostéopathie in Lausanne (ESO), an der Osteopathieschule Deutschland (OSD) und am Sutherland College in Schlangenbad unterrichtet....

Rollin Becker

...organization dedicated to perpetuating the teachings of W. G. Sutherland. In the years following Dr. Sutherland’s death in 1954, Dr. Becker played a crucial role in keeping his work alive....

Douglas A. Bernstein

...Paris Descartes. Derzeit ist er Professor Emeritus in Illinois und Courtesy Professor für Psychologie an der University of South Florida sowie Lehrbeauftragter an der Ecole de Psychologues Praticiens in Paris....

F. Sabban

Prof. Francoise Sabban is a Professor at the Centre for Modern and Contemporary China Studies, Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. She has published widely on the history...

N. Lichtmaneker

Nicole Lichtmaneker, Jahrgang 1980, ist Expertin auf dem Gebiet der Arzneimittel in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit. Außerdem ist sie Inhaberin der Zweibrücker Sonnen-Apotheke und lehrt an der Universität in Saarbrücken....

N. Plinz

Nicole Plinz ist zertifizierte Yogalehrerin und arbeitet als Therapeutin in der Abteilung für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Asklepios Klinik in Hamburg Harburg. Sie hat dort Yoga in die Depressionsbehandlung eingeführt.

N. Centeno

Nicole Centeno ist die Gründerin der Kult-Suppenküche Splendid Spoon. Splendid Spoon-Kunden in den USA bekommen mittlerweile Ernährungspläne und frische Suppen nach Hause geliefert....

M. Romoli

...di Parigi (Direttore dr. Maigne). Docente dal 1987 di Agopuntura Auricolare e Neuralterapia in alcune delle scuole italiane più note del settore (CSTNF, AIRAS, AMAB). Docente del Corso di Perfezionamento...
Nicole Weghake

Nicole Weghake

Ich bin seit über 20 Jahren in der Pharmaindustrie tätig und habe mich seit langen Jahren mit der Akupunktur und Lasertherapie beschäftigt. Viele Phänomene ließen sich einfach mit der allopathischen...
Acupuncture for Body, Mind and Spirit

Acupuncture for Body, Mind and Spirit

Acupuncture for Body, Mind and Spirit is written by one of the UK's leading practitioners Peter Mole. An authoritative and accessible introduction to acupuncture, now at naturmed!
Acupuncture for treating the hidden roots of disease

Acupuncture for treating the hidden roots of disease

The Mind and the Emotions in Chinese Medicine

This book explains you the ancient Chinese concepts about Mind and Emotions, to explore the role of the psyche in disease nemesis, and to help integrate acupuncture and psychology in the TCM practice. Order the book here.
Fascia 2nd Edition

Fascia 2nd Edition

What it Is and Why it Matters

This book provides a clear and easy to understand explanation of what fascia is and the role it plays in the body. Order the new edition here by naturmed.
Traumatic Scar Tissue Management

Traumatic Scar Tissue Management

Therapeutic massage principles, practice and protocols

A practical manual to the management of scar tissue, explaining the physiologic and pathophysiologic background. Order the book by Catherine Ryan and Nancy Keeney Smith here.
Architecture of Human Living Fascia w. DVD

Architecture of Human Living Fascia w. DVD

The extracellular matrix and cells revealed through endoscopy

This richly illustrated book plus DVD and website, presents Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau’s groundbreaking work, and explains its significance. Available here.
Foundations of Morphodynamics in Osteopathy

Foundations of Morphodynamics in Osteopathy

An integrative approach to cranium, nervous system, and emotions

The editors and a team of internationally renowned contributors cover the underlying principles of osteopathic palpation from a biodynamic and morphodynamic perspective. Available here.
Instrument-Assisted Myofascial Therapy

Instrument-Assisted Myofascial Therapy

principles and clinical applications

This book Instrument Assisted Myofascial Therapy - Principles and Clinical Applications is the result of years of professional practice with IATM. Order here by naturmed.
Acupuncture in the treatment of cancer patients – Video

Acupuncture in the treatment of cancer patients - Video

The role of acupuncture in the treatment of cancer patients

The lecturer will briefly discuss why there is a gap between interest in acupuncture in oncology and what we can do about it. The second part of the lecture will briefly examine how acupuncture has been and can be used to help with the various health and wellness challenges faced by patients. Order the video here.
The Healer: Heart and Hearth

The Healer: Heart and Hearth

This book suggests a new and wholly original understanding of the role of the healer and of the sufferer in the healing process. Order Diamond books here.


Understanding your Star

Astrology is an illustrated guide to this ever-popular subject, with easy-to-use instructions to help you understand the fundamental ideas and determine the more advanced aspects of the Zodiac: what should you understand by your sun sign? How do you work out what your moon sign is? How should you interpret terms like Mercury in Sagittarius? Your sun sign influences your path in the world, your love life and your relationships, including your role as a parent, your career, finances, health and appearance. Your moon sign, on the other hand, determines your inner life, emotional strengths and weaknesses, sources of joy and fear, and how you respond to people and situations. Illustrated with 85 specially commissioned artworks and beautifully presented on high quality paper with special Chinese binding, Astrology is the perfect guide to your inner and outer life as determined by the planets.
Anatomy Trains (engl. version)

Anatomy Trains (engl. version)

Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists

Anatomy trains by Thomas W. Myers presents a unique understanding of the role of fascia in healthy movement. Order now from naturmed!
Chinese Medical Gynaecology

Chinese Medical Gynaecology

A Self-Help Guide to Women's Health

An introductory guide by Eddie Dowd to using a Chinese medicine approach to treat the most common health problems women experience. Order the book here.
Fascial Manipulation – the Stecco method

Fascial Manipulation - the Stecco method

from the practitioner’s perspective

This book highlights the impact that the Fascial Manipulation - Stecco method for fascial dysfunctions, has had on the clinical practice of well-established practitioners from different disciplines, including physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy and massage therapy. Order it here.
Writing Acupuncture Case Reports

Writing Acupuncture Case Reports

Theory and Practice

This book is based on the theory a. practice work from Edward Chiu as a faculty member at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in the US. Order here.
Aromatherapeutic Blending

Aromatherapeutic Blending

Essential Oils in Synergy

Jennifer Peace Rhind explores the concept of synergy and provides practical guidance on how to build aromatherapeutic blends effectively. Order your copy here.


Exploring the Spiritual Essence of Acupuncture Points

This book by Lorie Dechar demonstrates how practitioners can work with the spirit of acupuncture points in modern practice. Order here by naturmed.
Fukushin and Kampo

Fukushin and Kampo

Abdominal Diagnosis in Traditional Japanese and Chinese Medicine

N. Dawes provides a comprehensive description of the practical application of abdominal palpation in clinical settings, as well as offering hands-on descriptions of the precise methodology of the abdominal exam with supporting visual aids. Order here