Search Results for: arthritis

Arthritis Relief

Arthritis Relief

Chinese Qigong for Healing and Prevention

Arthritis Relief by Dr. Yang introduces Qigong exercises that have been successfully used to treat Arthritis. It begins with general concepts of Qigong. Order the title here.

J. Schäfer

Janke Schäfer kämpft seit ihrem zweiten Lebensjahr gegen rheumatoide Arthritis. 2014 startete sie inmitten eines heftigen Krankheitsschubes ihren Blog Jankes Soulfood. Was kurzfristig als Bewältigungsstrategie gedacht war, entwickelte sich zu...
Pi´an Shen

Pi´an Shen

...arthritis and other rheumatological disorders have been granted patents in China. A prolific author, Professor Shen has written more than 10 books related to his specialties including Clinical Study of...
The Way of Herbs

The Way of Herbs

Herbal Remedies for Natural Health and Healing

Michael Tierra provides a very even approach to understanding balance as the key to health. His book includes Western and Chinese herbs, herbal therapies, properties, and applications, formula preparation, and treatments for specific ailments. Order it here.
Osteopathy for the Over 50s

Osteopathy for the Over 50s

Maintaining function and treating dysfunction

The main body of the text considers the relevance of somatic function and dysfunction in multiple clinical areas including cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, urology, neurology and rheumatology. Order the book here!
Acupuncture and Chakra Energy System

Acupuncture and Chakra Energy System

Treating The Cause of Disease

Author John R. Cross compares the traditional and modern approaches of TCM with the chakra energy system of Ayurvedic philosophy. Order this book here.
DVD Treatment of head and neck

DVD Treatment of head and neck

Kiiko Matsumoto, Japanese Acupuncture London 2012

Kiiko Matsumoto gives you an insight of the treatment of head and neck and provides her ability to integrate the work of important Japanese Masters, order now at naturmed!
Ancient Roots, Many Branches

Ancient Roots, Many Branches

Energetics of Healing Across Cultures ...

This book presents Energetics of healing across cultures and through time. Order this title by Darlena L?Orange und Gary Dolowich here.
Every Body Tells a Story

Every Body Tells a Story

A Craniosacral Journey

Every Body Tells a Story, A Craniosacral Journey by Liz Kalinowska and Daška Hatton examines the ups and downs of the therapeutic relationship. Available here.
Acupuncture Handbook of Sports Injuries and Pain

Acupuncture Handbook of Sports Injuries and Pain

A Four Step Approach to Treatment

Acupuncture Handbook of Sports Injuries and Pain is a clinical manual integrating traditional Chinese acupuncture with Western orthopedic and sports medicine. Order it now.
Healing with Whole Foods

Healing with Whole Foods

Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

Healing with whole foods include the application of Chinese medicine and five element theory to contemporary diet. Order the book by Paul Pitchford here.
The Active Points Test

The Active Points Test

A Clinical Test for Identifying and Selecting Effective Points..

A clinical test for identifying and selecting effective points is a clinical instrument to find the points on the skin that are most effective for treatment, order at naturmed!
Chinese Energeting Medicine Vol. 5

Chinese Energeting Medicine Vol. 5

Oncology, Gynecology, Neurology, Geriatrics, Pediatrics, Psych.

Volume 5 - An Energetic Approach to Oncology, Gynecology, Neurology, Geriatrics, Pediatrics, and Psychology. Order here at naturmed!