Kajsa Landgren

Kajsa Landgren

I am an acupuncturist with a PhD in nursing, and a registered nurse with specialist training in psychiatry. At Lund University, Sweden, I am doing research on brief admission by self-referral and on ear acupuncture in psychiatric care.

Outside the university, I train ear acupuncturists in collaboration with Stina Norbye. In Swedish we offer trainings in NADA (a standardized auricular acupuncture used for addiction and mental illness), “100-point courses” and auricular acupuncture courses focused on women’s health. Our digital trainings receive very positive reviews from participants! More information about the courses is available in Swedish at www.oronakupunktur.se

I have written the books “Ear Acupuncture – a practical guide” and “NADA – Ear Acupuncture for Addiction and Mental Illness”.

Articles of Kajsa Landgren