Search Results for: Gua Sha

Qu Lifang

Qu Lifang from the Shanghai University of TCM is Chief Editor of books like Anecdotes of TCM and TCM Psychiatry and Chinese Medicine. Qu Lifang has published many TCM-books and...
Anisha Durve

Anisha Durve

Anisha Durve ist Akupunkteurin, Ayurveda-Ärztin und Yogatherapeutin. Sie absolvierte ihre klinische Ausbildung am Southwest College of Acupuncture in New Mexico. Danach machte sie Praktikum an der Academy of Traditional Chinese...

Marta Tarallo

...Steckenpferd. Auf ihrer Website teilt Marta Rezepturen und Anleitungen für Pflegeprodukte, die man einfach zuhause herstellen kann: von Seifen über festes Shampoo bis hin zu pflegenden Aloe-Vera-Cremes. Da sie...

Reginaldo Filho

– Gründer und Präsident der Brasilianischen Hochschule für chinesische Medizin (Faculdade EBRAMEC); – Promotion über Akupunktur an der Universität für Chinesische Medizin in Shandong; – Mitglied des Exekutivrats der World...

Kimberly Ashton

Kimberly Ashton is a nutrition professional. She is specializes in healthy cooking, holistic health, and wellness. Inspired by her natural foods store Sprout Lifestyle in Shanghai, she educates and supports...
Xiantian Bagua Zhang

Xiantian Bagua Zhang

Gao Style Bagua Zhang - Circle Form

This new book by Master Tang is sure to be a treasured reference and resource by Gao style Bagua students across the world. Order here by naturmed.
Keepers of the soul

Keepers of the soul

The five guardian elements of Acupuncture

This book gets to the heart of five element theory, and offers passionate reflections on the spirit of each element, and the practice of five element acupuncture. Available here.
Abdominal and Umbilical Acupuncture

Abdominal and Umbilical Acupuncture

Clinical Experiences

In this book Gemma D’Angelo introduces the reader to the theory and practise of Abdominal and Umbilical acupuncture describing her clinical experiences. Order the book here
Current Research in Acupuncture

Current Research in Acupuncture

Contains information on recent advances in Acupuncture Research from all over the world, devoted to ascertaining the scientific basis of Chinese acupuncture. With contributions from dozens of scientists and practitioners around the world. Order at
Acupuncture Strategies for Complex Patients

Acupuncture Strategies for Complex Patients

From Consultation to Treatment

This book takes an integrative approach to diagnosis and practice and provides insightful recommendations. Covers advanced techniques including bloodletting and gua sha.
Shang Han Lun on Cold Damage

Shang Han Lun on Cold Damage

Translation & Commentaries

Diese und weitere Literatur über das Shang Han Lun/Wen Bing, Wärme- und Kälteerkrankungen, finden Sie hier bei Ihrem naturmed Fachbuchvertrieb. Available here.
Shaolin Qigong Energy in Motion

Shaolin Qigong Energy in Motion

book with DVD

Shaolin Qigong Energy in Motion is written by a Shaolin monk. It is ideal for gaining familiarity with the movements and energetics of qigong. Order book and DVD now!
Chinese Shamanic Tiger Qigong

Chinese Shamanic Tiger Qigong

Embrace the Power of Emptiness

Chinese Shamanic Tiger Qigong is a qigong form to bolster our health and deepen our spiritual connection to universal energy. Master Zhongxian Wu provides a previously secret knowledge of how each movement in the practice relates to the meridians, for advanced students and practitioners of Qigong. Order here
Chiu Diet Da

Chiu Diet Da

Traumatologie/Störungen des Bewegungsapparates

Video von Nadine Zäch über Traumatologie und Störungen des Bewegungsapparates und chinesische Medizin vom TCM-Kongress in Rothenburg 2011 - hier bei naturmed!
Chiu Diet Da (DVD)

Chiu Diet Da (DVD)

Traumatologie/Störungen des Bewegungsapparates

DVD über Traumatologie/Störungen des Bewegungsapparates und chinesische Medizin vom TCM-Kongress in Rothenburg. Diese und weitere Akupunktur-DVDs hier bei naturmed.
A Manual of Acupuncture

A Manual of Acupuncture

2nd edition

Deadman's Manual of Acupuncture is the standard for learning acupuncture points, meridians, point location for all acupuncture practitioners around the world. Available here.
Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong

Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong

Esoteric Talismans, Mantras, Mudras in Healing & Inner Cultivation

Chinese Shamanic Cosmit Orbit Qigong by Master Wu explores a highly secret shamanic tradition of selfcultivation as practiced on Mt. Emei in Sichuan. Order it now.
Acupuncture Core Therapy

Acupuncture Core Therapy

Shakujyu chiryo

Acupuncture Core Therapy is a reliable and significant methodology for achieving remarkable clinical results using these classical patterns. Order it now.
The Spirit of the Blood

The Spirit of the Blood

Interpreting Laboratory Tests Through the Lens of Chinese Medicine

How good are you in interpreting and evaluating lab results from a point of view of Chinese medicine? Randine Lewis shares her expert know how and combines insights of Western medicine with Chinese medicine and biomedical results. Order here

Li Jiacheng

...eigener Praxis in Xian China. Heute ist Meister Li Jia Cheng als Qigong-Lehrer in Kooperation mit dem Jin Xian Guan, einem daoistischen Tempel in Xian, tätig. Meister Li Jiacheng regelmäßig...

P. Kwik

...Pharmakologie am European Institute of Oriental Medicine in München fort. Ausgebildet wurde er u.a. von Volker Scheid, Dan Bensky, Craig Mitchell und Arnaud Versluys. Weiterhin absolvierte er an der Guangzhou-Universität...

Cynthia Spence

Cindy Spence began her healthcare career as a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Guatemala, returning to the US to complete a master’s degree in public health at the University of...
A Tooth from the Tiger’s Mouth

A Tooth from the Tiger's Mouth

How to Treat your Injuries with Powerfull Healing Secrets

Readers will receive methods for examining and diagnosing injuries, preparing herbal formulas, locating ingredients and preparations. Order it here!

F. Staebler Akupunktur und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin zu studieren (British College of Acupuncture, School of Chinese Herbal Medicine). Spätere Qualifikationen in China, ClinAc(Nanjing) und ClinCHM(Guangzhou), folgten Ende der 80er Jahre. Friedrich...

Peilin Sun Belgium and some European countries. Since 2000, guest professor at Guangxi university of TCM and Jiangxi college of TCM, China. His publications include Bi syndrome or rheumatic diseases treated...
The Perfect Seasons – Seasonal Balancing Acupuncture

The Perfect Seasons - Seasonal Balancing Acupuncture

Seasonal Acupuncture and the Application of the I Ching ...

Perfect Seasons – Seasonal Balancing Acupuncture presents a method of seasonal and cyclical acupuncture based on the treatments of Richard Tan. This book by Migdali is available here.
The Numerology of I Ching

The Numerology of I Ching

A Sourcebook of Symbols, Structures and Trad. Wisdom

The Numerology of I Ching by Master Alfred Huang is the culmination of his studies. TCM books here at naturmed.

J. Huang

...(depletio lienale, pixu xuezheng) sowie Einstauungen im Fk Leber (o. hepaticus, gan) mit Seitenschmerz. Dr. Huang ist im Ruhestand und weiterhin tätig am Krankenhaus für Chinesische Medizin von Foshan, Guangdong....

Yaron Seidman

...zu erforschen. Im Jahr 1998, als er sechs Monate an Chinas TCM-Universität in Guangxi verbrachte, traf er den berühmten Gelehrten Professor Liu Lihong, der sein Mentor wurde. Inspiriert begann Seidman,...