E. Brand

A Clinician’s Guide to Using Granule Extracts

  • ISBN: 9781891845512
  • 242 pages


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In recent years, granules have become the most popular delivery form for Chinese herbal medicine in the West. However, while the convenience, portability, and efficacy of granules has revolutionized professional herbal medicine, many practitioners have not been exposed to a systematic discussion of critical issues such as dosage and clinical strategies.

Over the past 40 years, different approaches to dosage and formulation have emerged in Taiwan, Japan, and mainland China. While granule efficacy can be maximized by observing modern clinical trends in Asia, resources that shed light on this subject are few and far between. In an effort to bridge this knowledge gap, Eric Brand has traveled to factories, hospitals, and clinics throughout Asia to research the manufacturing and clinical trends in the world of granules.

In this practical granule handbook for clinicians, Eric covers:

Effective dosing strategies
Methods of formula combining
Common clinical approaches seen in mainland China and Taiwan
Concentration ratios and their effect on dosage
Various manufacturing methods and their impact on patient care
How to set up an efficient pharmacy with attention to good compounding practices


E. Brand

E. Brand

Eric Brand, M.S., L.Ac., ist Absolvent des Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Brand ist ein fließend sprechender Chinese mit umfangreicher Erfahrung im Studium auf dem chinesischen Festland und in Taiwan. Er absolvierte ein längeres Praktikum am Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan und nahm an zahlreichen Projekten teil, die sich…

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