Rebecca Avern

Acupuncture for Babies, Children and Teenagers

Treating both the Illness and the Child

  • ISBN: 9781848193222
  • 2018, 776 pages


Delivery time: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


This colour textbook is a comprehensive guide and enables acupuncturists to diagnose and treat physical and emotional ailments in babies, children and teenagers. It draws on the author’s extensive clinical experience to provide solutions to a wide range of conditions including asthma, allergies, bedwetting, digestive issues, ADHD and depression. Rebecca Avern examines treatment of children from both a TCM and a Five Element perspective and the importance of tailoring treatment to the child’s age, with the book largely divided into sections on babies and toddlers, school-aged children and teenagers. The book covers all the conditions that children commonly present with in modern practice, including food allergies, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, issues relating to Autism Spectrum Disorder, and teenage depression, anxiety and eating disorders.

Rebecca Avern had her first acupuncture Licentiate in Acupuncture from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine: a three and half year course and  graduated in 2001. 4 years studying with and working alongside with Giovanni Maciocia. She assisted Maciocia in the writing of a major text book Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine. Diploma in Paediatric Acupuncture (2012) with Julian Scott, author of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Children.  Julian is known worldwide as the leading expert in paediatric acupuncture, and she spent a year studying with him to Diploma level. Training in paediatric tui na (2012) with Dr Hongchun Yin (specialist from the Shangdong University of TCM). Training in Japanese paediatric acupuncture techniques (shonishin) (2013): with Stephen Birch (author of Shonishin: Japanese Paediatric Acupuncture).



Rebecca Avern

Rebecca Avern

Rebecca Avern hatte ihr erstes Akupunktur-Lizenz in Akupunktur vom College of Integrated Chinese Medicine: ein dreieinhalbjähriger Kurs, der 2001 abgeschlossen wurde. 4 Jahre Studium und Zusammenarbeit mit Giovanni Maciocia. Sie unterstützte Maciocia beim Schreiben eines großen Lehrbuchs Diagnose in der chinesischen Medizin. Diplom in Kinderakupunktur (2012) bei Julian Scott, Autor…

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