
Chinese Dietetics meets modern scientific research (DVD)

  • 2011, 1 DVD, 300 min.


Delivery time: ca. 1 - 3 days


Chinese Dietetics meets modern scientific research. Prof. Englert explains how dietary can affect cognitive processes and emotions. You will learn how to clean your own system or why children don´t like broccoli. You will find a lot of very useful and interesting background knowledge. He speaks about fruits, meat and fish and tells about the temperature, taste, energetical effects and which organs will be covered. He gives dietary advices and bring up background information on studies on different diseases and how a change of our eating behavior can affect these. You will find overviews how long it takes to digest certain ingredients. He provides a lot of basic advices for a better breakfast and how to prepare your food to be better digestible. Also you find information about why it is important not to heat our food too much and why it would be good if restaurants would serve a warm cup of water instead of cold water. In general this course is targeted for therapists and patients to learn more about what and how we eat. Even when you do not work with Chinese herbs you will find the provided information extremely useful as you can transfer a lot of the knowledge into our daily cooking for a better health for you and your family.

1 DVD, 300 min., english


