Sabine Wilms | Nigel Wiseman | Feng Ye

Jin Gui Yao Lue – Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet

Translations and Commentaries

  • ISBN: 9780912111919
  • 2023, 682 pages


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Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet

This first chapter of the Jin Gui Yao Lue describes the causes and pathomechanisms of disease of the bowels and viscera and of the channels and network vessels, the sequence in which their occur, and the pulses and signs by which they are recognized. It forms a general introduction to the Jin Gui Yao Lue as a whole. Short as it is, it covers a broad range of subjects including prevention of disease, causes of disease, pathomechanisms, diagnostics, principles of treatment, nursing, and prognosis and provides copious examples.

Book contents

The contents are broad-ranging, but throughout the emphasis is on the holistic view of health and disease, stressing not only the relationship between the human body and outside world, but the unity within the body. The interdependence and counterbalancing between the bowels and viscera, and between the channels and network vessels explain the ways in which they interact in disease. Disease in one bowel or viscus can transfer to another bowel or viscus. Disease in one channel can transfer to another. Evils contracted through the channels and network vessels can pass into the bowels and viscera. Disease of the bowels and viscera can manifest at positions on the pathways of the channels and network vessels. The Jin Gui Yao Lue is a great supplement to the Shang han lun.

Shima Miki, President of the Japanese American Association writes about this book: Wiseman and Wilms have exquisitely translated the Jing Gui Yao Lüe (Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer). The English rendering is impeccable, precise and consistent. The detailed commentaries are systematic and comprehensive.


Sabine Wilms

Sabine Wilms

Dr. Sabine Wilms has been studying the history of Chinese medicine (esp. the treatment of the female body) for well over a dozen years, since her days as a doctoral student in Asian Studies and medical Anthropology at the University of Arizona. She currently divides her time between producing books…

Nigel Wiseman

Nigel Wiseman

Nigel Wiseman was born in the UK, studied Spanish and German at the Heriott-Watt University in Edinburgh, subsequently working as a French-English translator in Belgium while learning Chinese. He holds a doctorate in Complementary Health Sciences from Exeter University, and is the author and translator of a prodigious body of…