Tilman Fritsch | Tunèr-J.

Laser Photo Therapy in Dentistry

  • Publisher: Füchtenbusch Verlag
  • ISBN: 9783981946659
  • 2023, 192 pages


Delivery time: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


Laser Photo Therapy in Dentistry

The application of laser phototherapy in dentistry is about much more than treating an aphthae here and a herpes blister there. This new book by Jan Tunér is an invitation to all dentists to discover the versatile potential of laser phototherapy.

Laser phototherapy can regenerate lost tissue by differentiating mesenchymal stem cells to form new interpapillary areas and secondary dentin. It stimulates bone regeneration and is useful in all oral and maxillofacial surgery procedures due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It promotes the healing of gingival ulcers and can prevent oral mucositis. As a so-called photoceutical, this treatment method is often a side-effect-free alternative to steroids and NSAIDs. It also offers effective treatment options for which there are limited alternatives, such as trismus, xerostomia, zoster, tri- geminal neuralgia, TMD and sinusitis. Last but not least, the laser dentist always has a good friend at hand (carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, shoulder tendonitis, etc.). Laser phototherapy is easy to handle and can be delegated to the dental assistant in many cases.


Tilman Fritsch

Tilman Fritsch

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Tilman Fritsch, Studium der Zahnmedizin in Deutschland und Finnland und Spezialzusatzausbildung Mitochondrialtherapeut und Umweltmediziner in Heidelberg. Gründung der eigenen Praxis in Bayrisch Gmain im Jahr 1997 sowie im Jahr 2004 ein Fachlabor für alternativen Zahnersatz. Fritsch war Präsident der Internationalen Gesellschaft für metallfreie Zahnmedizin und Implantologie.…

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