Kajsa Landgren

NADA Ear Acupuncture for Addiction and Mental Illness

  • ISBN: 9789152743713
  • 2023, app 200 pages


Delivery time: ca. 5 - 10 Tage/days


The NADA book is translated into English (NADA. Ear acupuncture for addiction and mental illness. 2023.)

From the foreword by Dr Kenneth “Khensu” Carter, US NADA President: “Kajsa´s writing is an easy read that is warm, engaging. This NADA book is full of heart both her own and the heart of NADA–’s mission, aspiration, and purpose. It does much to capture the spirit of NADA in its many aspects across the patient and practice spectrum. I will be recommending this book to novice NADA practitioners and to experienced NADA trainers. There is something here for everyone.”

From the foreword by PhD Beverley de Valois, researcher and acupuncturist: “it is much needed and will be a huge asset to the extensive global NADA network. … Her explanation of what the NADA protocol is, and how to administer it, is clear, comprehensive, and hugely informative. … she has conveyed the fascination and spirit of NADA in a work that also communicates its practical, clinical, and scientific facets. It is immensely readable, and once I started, I could not stop.”


Kajsa Landgren

Kajsa Landgren

I am an acupuncturist with a PhD in nursing, and a registered nurse with specialist training in psychiatry. At Lund University, Sweden, I am doing research on brief admission by self-referral and on ear acupuncture in psychiatric care. Outside the university, I train ear acupuncturists in collaboration with Stina Norbye.…

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