S. Ballegaard

Resume on 28 years of clinical and basic science bridging


  • 2011, video, 60 min.

21,00 29,00 

Delivery time: immediately available


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Lecture by Søren Ballegaard about research and background information of different kinds of stress, stress levels and measurement of stress.
He explains two ways of stress and their effects and influences to the brain. He presents some samples of his research from Olympic sailing professionals. He shows biological background information before, during and after performances. He shows ways to measure pressure, the system of polymodal sensory (nerve receptors), explains the measuring areas and the reflection to the brain. He provides several studies and their results how stress can influence the brain and brings interesting examples (i.e. with breast cancer in comparison with healthy people). At the end he presents very interesting results from a research he has done a day before with the participants from the TCM-congress and mentions several risk factors for stress and cancer especially for the group.
Even the presentation is not very much about TCM but as a therapist you will find very interesting information about stress and how it can be measured.

Scandinavian TCM Congress 2011, video, English, 60 min.

Soeren Ballegaard graduated as a medical doctor at University of Copenhagen. He was head of the acupuncture research project at the National Hospital Denmark and has his own clinic for Medical Acupuncture. Ballegaaard is a member of the New York Academy of Science. His major research interests are inspired by classical Oriental health care modalities, the focus has been thoroughly
scientific research and product development within primary and secondary prevention of disease by natural means. The main areas of the research conducted at his center are:
a) Development of objective assessment tools for the measurement and stress,general health and performance ability
b) To integrate these tools individualized bio feedback guided anti stress management programs.
c) To test these programs in scientific and clinical conditions – for use in a broad range of conditions:
a. Primary and secondary prevention in cardiovascular disease
b. Secondary prevention in breast cancer
c. Primary and secondary prevention of persistent stress in healthy people.
d. Performance enhancement in top performers within performance arts and sports.


S. Ballegaard

S. Ballegaard

Soeren Ballegaard absolvierte sein Medizinstudium an der Universität Kopenhagen. Er war Leiter des Akupunkturforschungsprojektes am National Hospital Denmark und verfügt über eine eigene Klinik für medizinische Akupunktur. Ballegaaard ist Mitglied der New York Academy of Science. Seine Forschungsinteressen sind inspiriert von den klassischen orientalischen Gesundheitsmodalitäten, der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den…