R. Johns

The Art of Acupuncture Techniques

  • ISBN: 9783556432303
  • 1996, 212 pages


Delivery time: ca. 5 - 10 Tage/days


Robert Johns calls on acupuncturists to redress the loss of the kinds of subtlety and nuance that increase the definition and clarity of understanding, and that in turn support a more fully integrated treatment approach by attending to the features of classical Chinese acupuncture. He provides a review of principles followed by sections on point selection and technique. His emphasis is on the development of treatment plans based on the classical approach. The book covers ancient methods of point selection, creating acupoint prescriptions, classical needling techniques, moxibustion techniques, and other special methods.


R. Johns

R. Johns

Dr. Robert Johns promovierte nach seinem Abschluss am San Francisco College of Acupuncture an der SAMRA University of Oriental Medicine. Es folgten Studienaufenthalte in China und Ausbildungen bei verschiedenen bedeutenden Lehrern. Robert Johns ist als Lehrer für Qi Gong an der Universität Peking zugelassen. Er führt eine private Praxis in…