Brad Whisnant

Treat Back Pain Distally

Theory and Case Studies

  • ISBN: 9781940146119
  • 2021, 303 pages


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The authors explicate how to treat back pain with acupuncture for instant results using the Tung and Dr. Tan’s Balance Method. In addition to covering theory and providing case studies, they have included TCM points and muscle images and Tung Point location images. Once familiar with this information you can easily tell which meridian to treat for lower back pain, hip pain, pain in the coccyx, sacrum, etc. They also cover Dao Ma techniques, methods for how to treat pain with 1-2 needles, how to treat chronic back pain after multiple surgeries, etc. There are many useful case studies. This is a complete reference for treating anything from BL 23 down to the coccyx.


Brad Whisnant

Brad Whisnant

Brad Whisnant served in the US Marines, graduated from Portland State University. He graduated in 2007 with a Masters degree in Oriental medicine and Acupuncture and holds the highest certifications in Chinese herbal medicine. He has interned internationally and been taught by leading acupuncturists and herbalists specialists. Brad treats most…