Acupuncture and moxibustion

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
- Professional

- Therapist
Books about acupuncture and moxibution
Here you will find all books about acupuncture and its variants:
One can divide the books in acupuncture into different body areas and then find them:
- Ear acupuncture
- hand acupuncture
- cranial acupuncture
- abdominal acupuncture
- eye acupuncture
- Trigger point acupuncture
and others.
Books about Chinese, Japanese and Korean Acupuncture
Another point of view, which is often found, is according to certain geographical aspects. Leading acupuncturists have always migrated to different regions and acupuncture has developed independently on the basis of the old classics. Today these acupuncture forms are found enriching. We have here the corresponding books of these segments also in our shop.
- Chinese Acupuncture
- Japanese Acupuncture
- Korean Acupuncture (SaAm Acupuncture)
Books on cosmetic acupuncture
There is also a subdivision according to needling techniques (such as single needle acupuncture, double point acupuncture) or according to different areas of application, such as
- Cosmetic Acupuncture
- pain acupuncture
- child acupuncture
- Constitutional Acupuncture
- 5 Elements Acupuncture
- meridian therapy
and numerous other facets. For all these topics you will find corresponding acupuncture books for TCM therapists and acupuncturists, both in German and in English.
Of course there are also books about Moxibustion or Shonishin.