Clinical practice in TCM

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Books on clinical practice in TCM

A multitude on TCM practice books

Over 600 TCM practice books for TCM therapists for clinical practice. Once you work as a therapist, patients come to you with a variety of different ailments. The TCM is a medicine of experience and so it is understandable that you can not be and stay in the latest state of the art.

Topics of TCM literature

The TCM literature offers numerous books for clinical practice on the treatment of common diseases with acupuncture, Chinese and Western herbs, diet, Tuina and Qigong. The symptoms range from allergies, gynecological diseases, skin diseases, internal medicine, cancer, mental disorders to fertility treatment or autoimmune diseases. Many of these Chinese medicine reference books are often available in English only. Such as. Shen’s Textbook of autoimmune diseases. Through the online scrolling function (green online scrolling icon) on many of our titles you can browse online in the sample pages of the respective books and decide whether you are satisfied with the content and the language.

From praxis tipps until case studies

There is currently strong demand for the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice series with books on diseases such as Crohn’s disease, endometriosis, insomnia and cancer (breast cancer focus). The editors Stefan Englert and Josef Hummelsberger are working on a number of numerous practice books for therapists and treatment with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Numerous internationally known TCM authors such as the two editors themselves, but also Peter Deadman’s co-author of the Handbook of Acupuncture, Al-Khafaji, Yair Maimon, Hamid Montakab or Barbara Kirschbaum have participated in this series of practice and their experience in the treatment of the disease written down in the form of practical tips and case studies.

At naturmed you will find what you are looking for

We are proud that this practice series has been published by our publishing house Müller & Steinicke. We at naturmed have been dealing with this matter for several decades and maintain close contacts with the best-known authors around the world. Through this intensive cooperation, we receive information from countless projects of small self-publishers whose books we have in our assortment. If a book is missing for your clinical practice or a topic is not covered enough, please let us know.