Gynecology and TCM

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Books on gynecology

Learn more about gynaecology

Specialist books on gynaecology and Chinese medicine include infertility or menopause. Most important representative: Maciocia, gynaecology in the practice of Chinese medicine. In the context of the TCM practice series the title: The treatment of menopause and climacteric complaints of Kirschbaum is recommended. In Gynaecology and Gynaecology volume 1, Gunter Neeb presents the treatment of gynaecological problems such as dysmenorrhea, premature amenorrhea, premenstrual symptoms, irregular menstruation, endometriosis. Further topics of obstetrics are discussed, e.g. female fertility disorders with unfulfilled desire to have children, TCM accompaniment during artificial insemination, pregnancy with Chinese herbs, problems with the child’s position and restlessness with imminent abortion. Neeb also discusses the follow-up treatment of the mother in the puerperium and the lochia, as well as maintaining the mother’s health and weight.

Different possibilities of treatment techniques

In the foreground of this book is the treatment with Chinese medicines, but also other treatment techniques such as acupressure, Qigong, dietetics and acupuncture are presented. This book is suitable for advanced practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Maciocia’s Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Chinese Medicine is available again. The book has been completely revised and didactically restructured. Topics such as special gynaecological treatment methods, menstrual complaints, pregnancy and complaints before and after birth are discussed. You will also find topics such as infertility, myomas and endometriosis and their treatment with TCM. Further topics are the diagnosis (western and Chinese / TCM), important acupuncture points, use of Chinese herbs, many treatment tips and numerous case studies described.

Everything around treatment tips

On more than 1000 pages you will find numerous case studies on important gynaecological diseases such as infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome, myoma, endometriosis and many more. 60 gynaecological and obstetrical diseases are described in detail. You will also find numerous treatment tips from Maciocia, who has more than 30 years of experience. The standard reference for gynaecology and TCM.
Gynaecology in the TCM of Jetelina and Thews presents clear pattern definitions and proven therapy concepts from the point of view of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Cycle disturbances, bleeding disturbances, perimenstrual disturbances, premenstrual disturbances, climacteric, sexual disturbances of the woman and the man are shown. This is a well-founded book by renowned authors who have collected TCM from their own experience in China. A highlight in the field of gynaecology.