Infertility books

Integrative TCM Guide Pathology
  • Therapist
  • Professional
127,00  Show product
Ways of Renewal – A Guidebook for Women
  • Novice
  • Therapist
  • Professional
40,00  Show product
Birthing the Tao
  • Therapist
  • Professional
39,95  Show product

Fertility treatment with Chinese medicine

One step closer to the desire to have children

Of course, get pregnant and increase his chances of having a child. Since the effect of TCM on unfulfilled childlessness is very high, more and more patients are finding their way into Chinese medical practices. Some TCM therapists have already specialised in infertility.

Influencing factors and the means of TCM to avoid them

Numerous influencing factors can lead to infertility. TCM knows ways and means to increase the chances of pregnancy. Here therapists will find books and especially videos from numerous TCM congresses that have dealt with this topic so far. In this section you will find examples of treatments on the subject of fertility treatment, exchange of experiences and which Chinese or Western medicines or acupuncture points are used for fertility treatment. Each video has a 5 minute trailer.

Afraid to talk to the therapist? This is how you can prepare for it

We can recommend the book of Lyttlteon, Fertility disorders treat with Chinese medicine, diagnostics and therapy of fertility disorders. The midwife and TCM therapist describes very well all the possibilities of TCM for infertility. A wonderful help for patients is Andreas Noll’s guidebook Kinderwunsch, which gives patients an ideal basis for talking to the therapist.