Acupuncture- and TCM-Videos

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Videos about Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

naturmed-tv: Acupuncture videos for therapists

Here you will find videos on the most important therapies of TCM. In addition to basic videos about acupuncture points and acupuncture point combinations, you will also find news about meridian therapies, videos about Japanese acupuncture as well as laser acupuncture.

In addition to acupuncture videos, we also have numerous videos about the use of Chinese and Western herbs and recipes. Phytotherapy is an essential element of Chinese medicine. Therefore, the knowledge and clinical experience with Chinese and Western medicines is essential.

The other areas of Chinese medicine, besides acupuncture and Chinese medicine, are Qigong, Chinese dietetics and Tuina. Watch the trailers for each video and find out more about the many possible applications.

In the TCM Diagnostics section you will find videos on tongue diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, abdominal wall diagnosis (Hara diagnosis) and numerous videos on facial diagnosis. Even experienced TCM therapists are always enthusiastic about the numerous insights that internationally renowned experts such as Lillian Bridges can provide with pictures and explanations.