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Acupuncture videos

Here you will find videos about ear acupuncture, laser therapy, Tung´s acupuncture or Japanese acupuncture. Learn new stab techniques and treatment examples of acupuncture for pain.

As the duration of your acupuncture practice increases, you will want to develop further areas of acupuncture (Aku-Taping, Acupressure, Cupping, Gua Sha or Moxibustion). Ear acupuncture in particular is an incredibly exciting field. Authors like Bahr, Ogal and Noack are in charge here. The balance method (Tung-style acupuncture by Sulistyo/Ross and Mccann) and Japanese acupuncture (e.g. by Matsumoto/Euler) are extremely effective for pain acupuncture. There are many special segments such as hand, mouth or Chinese or Japanese skull acupuncture.

Acupuncture videos from practice – looking over the shoulder of the experts

Even if you have been working as a TCM therapist for a long time, you will also be interested in our TCM video centre. In over 500 congress videos, renowned TCM specialists report on their experiences, treatment examples and acupuncture techniques at the leading international acupuncture and TCM congresses, such as the TCM Congress in Rothenburg, ASA Congress, TCM Congress in Denmark, Tao Congress, SMS Congress.


Videos about modern and ancient acupuncture methods

Wang Yu-Ji and Jason Robertson explain meridian therapy.

Videos about acupuncture treatment

Here you will find examples of treatment for musculo-skeletal complaints or for the treatment of headaches with acupuncture, depression or infertility.

Or videos about 5 Element Acupuncture by Prof. J.R. Worsley. Furthermore you will find videos about Qi-regulation in the Japanese Meridian therapy. We cover all types of Japanese Acupuncture also videos on moxibustion.

Videos of needling techniques, constitutional acupuncture and how to do blood letting are also show in our video selection.

How to needle with Tung´s acupuncture? Find here instructions by leading acupuncture experts. What is channel palpation and how it is used? Check here our video courses by Wang Ju-Yi and Jason robinson.