Suchergebnisse für: Gua Sha

Spektrum der Homöopathie 3/2010

Spektrum der Homöopathie 3/2010


Die Zeitschrift Spektrum der Homöopathie 3-2010 beschreibt homöopathische Mittel der Vögel. Weitere homöopathische Literatur gibt es hier bei naturmed.
The Simple Guide to Five Element Acupuncture

The Simple Guide to Five Element Acupuncture

Five Element Acupuncture series

This deceptively simple guide will help anyone interested in learning about the benefits and traditions of five element acupuncture. Order the book by Nora Franglen here.
Sobotta Dissection Atlas

Sobotta Dissection Atlas

Bilingual Edition with Latin Nomenclature

The new Dissection Atlas, the Bilingual Edition German - English with Latin Nomenclature, is a convenient hands-on atlas including all essential anatomic images. Available here.
The Handbook of Five Element Practice

The Handbook of Five Element Practice

Five Element Series

The Handbook of five element practice is ideal for students and acupuncturists who wish to deepen their understanding of Five Element practice. Order now from naturmed.
Meridiane begreifen

Meridiane begreifen

Funktion, Verlauf, Tsubos, Qualität, Zustand, Wahrnehmung, ...

Schwerpunkt des Fachbuchs Meridiane begreifen ist die praktische Arbeit mit Meridianen und ihren Reaktionen auf energetische Berührung. Betellen Sie direkt hier bei naturmed.
Menstrual Disorders I CPCM

Menstrual Disorders I CPCM

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding & Amenorrhea

Si-tu Yi, Wang Xiao-yun - Menstrual Disorders I CPCM is a summary collection of clinical observation, diagnosis, treatment. Order the book now!
Understanding the I Ching

Understanding the I Ching

Restoring a brilliant, ancient culture

In Understanding the I Ching, Huang offers a detailed commentary of the sixty-four hexagrams and their characters, including a detailed examination of the nature and their principles. Order here
Manual Trigger Point Therapy

Manual Trigger Point Therapy

Recognizing, Understanding and Treating Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction

Learn how to influence besides peripheral nociceptive pain also pain processing and transmission mechanisms through Manual Trigger Point Therapy. Order now!
Spektrum der Homöopathie 1/2010

Spektrum der Homöopathie 1/2010

Powerdrogen - Cacao, Cola, Coca & Co

Diese Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Spektrum der Homöopathie zum Thema Powerdrogen - Cacao, Cola, Coca & Co. finden Sie hier bei naturmed zum online bestellen.
Line und Paul und Akupunktur

Line und Paul und Akupunktur

Chinesische Medizin für Kinder

Die TCM-Therapeutin Ruthild Schulze zeigt, wie spannend und dann auch wieder selbstverständlich eine Untersuchung und eine Behandlung von Kindern nach den Prinzipien der chinesischen Medizin sein kann. Hier bei naturmed!
Feng Shui Jahreskalender 2022

Feng Shui Jahreskalender 2022

Auf Grundlage des traditionellen Almanach, dem Tongshu

Entdecken Sie den Feng Shui-Jahreskalender basiert auf den Grundlagen eines traditionellen chinesischen Almanach. Der perfekte Begleiter für ein professionellen Feng Shui-Berater als auch für einen Feng Shui-Freund. Jetzt bei naturmed bestellen.
Pulse Diagnosis

Pulse Diagnosis

taken from the Bin Hu Ma Xue

Taken from a traditional book by Li Shi Zhen this text contains basic pulses and combinations, explaining the essentials of pulse diagnosis. Order it here from naturmed.
Dan Tian – Abdomen (Video)

Dan Tian - Abdomen (Video)

The Second Brain

Viewable workshop from Tuvia Scott about Dan Tian – Abdomen: The Second Brain Abdominal Acupuncture at the TAO-Kongress 2012. Order it here.
Klassische Homöopathie 2

Klassische Homöopathie 2

Methodik & Arzneimittellehre, Band II

Klassische Homöopathie Band 2 von Dr. Massimo Mangialavori zeigt, wie man ein Arzneimittel erfolgreich verschreiben kann. Jetzt bei naturmed bestellen.
Daoist Reflections from Scholar Sage

Daoist Reflections from Scholar Sage

A collection of short reads

This collection of fascinating short reads brings together some of the most popular articles from the Scholar Sage online magazine, alongside new material from Damo Mitchell. Order it here.
The Big Course on Photomedicine

The Big Course on Photomedicine

Photomedizin (Human) engl.

Photobiological therapy offers a completely new, incomparable way to specifically influence metabolic processes in the body. Order here the video-course.
Vegane Kosmetik

Vegane Kosmetik

einfach selbst gemacht

Schnelle und einfache Rezepturen der Naturpädagogin Siegrid Hirsch - aus frischen, naturbelassene Kräutern und für alle Hauttypen geeignet. Ihre Ratgeber hier bei naturmed.
Cannabis Bakery

Cannabis Bakery

50 berauschend leckere Backrezepte für entspannte Momente

Hanf Rezepte süß & salzig für leckeres Cannabis Food. Hilfreiche Tipps zu Pflanzenkunde und Dosierempfehlung. Jetzt hier bestellen.
Chinese Life Sciences

Chinese Life Sciences

Introductory Readings in Classical Chinese Medicine

Chinese Life Sciences: Intended to optimize student study, each monograph includes the Chinese text in easily readable type size, a table containing each Chinese character. Order it here.
Lets Talk about Talking (DVD)

Lets Talk about Talking (DVD)

Rajan Sankarans Anamnesetechnik ist für jeden Homöopathen eine Bereicherung und nützlich für die homöopathische Praxis. Alle Sankaran-Bücher gibt es bei
Feeling the Way

Feeling the Way

Touch, Qi Gong healing, and the Daoist tradition

Based on a combination of clinical examples, Daoist philosophy, and detailed how-to instructions, you can develop your ability to work energetically with your hands. Order it here.
A Brief History of QI

A Brief History of QI


A Brief History of QI this book is devoted to a topic represented by a single Chinese character, Qi. Order it now.
Acupuncture Energetics

Acupuncture Energetics

A Clinical Approach for Physicians

Acupuncture Energetics: The text by Helms adapts modern graphical and textual techniques to the teaching of acupuncture and examines the roots. Order it now!
Das große Schüßler-Repertorium

Das große Schüßler-Repertorium

Der Klassiker mit Symptomen von A-Z

Das große Schüßler-Repertorium von Phatak ist ein Klassiker mit Symptomen von A-Z und umfangreicher Beschreibung der 12 Salze. Jetzt bei naturmed kaufen.
Healing with the Herbs of Life

Healing with the Herbs of Life

Hundreds of Herbal Remedies, Therapies & Preparations.

A handy book to have around when blending herbs and especially when crossing the categorical boundaries of different schools of herbalism, this book by Lesley Tierra is a useful addition to any complete herbal library. Order it here.
Celestial Secrets

Celestial Secrets

A Dunhuáng Manuscript of Medicinal Decoctions for the Zàngfu Organ

This book is the first English translation of the Fuxíngjué zàngfu yòngyào fayào (or secret tips for helpful action - The Key to Using Medicinals on the Zàngfu Organs). Order here
The Synergy in Homoeopathy

The Synergy in Homoeopathy

Sankarans Integrated Approach to Case-Taking and Analysis

In the Synergy in Homoeopathy Rajan Sankaran brings up the knowledge and understanding found in old masters like C. M. Boger. Available here at naturmed.
The Lung

The Lung

Transcribed and edited by Caroline Root

The Lung by Rochat de la Vallée is the first in a series of edited and illustrated lecture transcripts that include translations and commentaries on key Chinese texts. Order it now.
Modern Chinese Ear Acupuncture

Modern Chinese Ear Acupuncture


Modern Chinese Ear Acupuncture lays out the indications and applications for ear acupuncture point, the characteristics of point selection, the principles of prescription formation. Order it here.


Dieses Fachbuch von Claudia Lorenz soll Therapeuten als ein Grundwerk der Kinderheilkunde und Kindertuina dienen. Hier bei naturmed bestellen.


Life in Resonance - The Secret Art of Shiatsu

Kishi's theory and practice of Seiki Soho Shiatsu is described and explained for the first time in this important book. Order now from naturmed!
A New American Acupuncture: Acupuncture Osteopathy

A New American Acupuncture: Acupuncture Osteopathy

The Myofascial Release of the Bodymind's Holding Patterns

This book represents the fruit of many years of research into the use of acupuncture as a tool for releasing holding patterns in the bodymind as a way to restore functional/structural balance and to relieve chronic pain. Available here.
The Roots of Chinese Medicine

The Roots of Chinese Medicine

This TCM video gives an overview of the influences to get a particular perspective of traditional chinese medicine and way of thinking. Order it from naturmed.
Medicine of the Soul (video)

Medicine of the Soul (video)

Rebirth through Fire and Water

Christine Bodenschatz-Li states the importance of the pulse diagnosis and how important it is to be free of judgements when feeling the different pulses. The video available here.