J. Wong

A Manual NeuroAnatomical Acupuncture Volume 1

Muscolu-Skeletal Disorders

  • ISBN: 9780968519400
  • 1999, 250 pages


Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage

Nicht vorrätig


Volume One deals with musculoskeletal disorders.
It includes a brief summary and desciption of TCM, of the basic meridians, of standard nomenclature, and of the biochemical mechanism involved. Acupuncture as a physical therapy and its utility in pain management and normalization of the ANS are discussed, along with the therapeutic strategies of neuro-anatomical acupuncture. Treatment formularies of points are presented for the neck, back and perineum, shoulder, elbow and forearm, wrist and hand, hip, knee and leg, and ankle and foot. There are clearly labelled and rendered illustrative drawings depicting point locations from a surface, muscle, and skeletal justaposition. Sets of tables identify meridian, acupuncture point, and location, and other tables identify innervation correlations for muscle, action, peripheral nerve, spinal segment, and acupuncture point. Presentations of clinical application include biomedical condition and bulleted point lists.
These texts are particularly useful selections for practitioners of nerve-based approaches to using the acupuncture points.


J. Wong

J. Wong

Joseph Wong western medicine and acupuncture of more than 40 years experience, certified medical specialist in rehabilitation medicine. Fellow of Royal College of Physicians, Canada. Former specialist consultant in rehabilitation medicine: Toronto General Hospital, Toronto; Wellesley Hospital, Toronto; Lyndhurst Spinal Hospital, Toronto. Former Department Head in Rehabilitation Medicine Department: St.…