Julien Scott

Acupuncture for the Eyes

  • Verlag: Eastland Press
  • ISBN: 9783939616467
  • 2005, 208 pages


Lieferzeit: ca. 5 - 10 Tage/days


Acupuncture can be used for treating a wide range of eye disorders, from conjunctivitis and hay fever to glaucoma and macular degeneration. Acupuncture for the Eyes is a practical manual that can be used by any competent acupuncturist to expand the scope of their practice to include disorders of the eyes.

The book provides clear, step-by-step guidelines for diagnosis and treatment coupled with a discussion of the results that can be expected.
# Introduction # Anatomy and Physiology
# The Organs and the Eyes
# Some Diagnostic Features
# Causes of Eye Diseases
# Acupuncture Points That Affect the Eyes
# Treatment Principles and Techniques
# Retinal Problems Leading to Loss of Vision
# Fluid Problems
# Lens Problems
# Problems of the Front of the Eye
# Problems of the Extraocular Muscles # Miscellaneous Problems
# Bibliography
# Appendix 1 Summary of Patterns
# Appendix 2 Treatment of Blood Insufficiency and Anemia
# Appendix 3 More about Mercury
# Appendix 4 Some Commonly Used Medicines
# Point Index # General Index


Julien Scott

Julien Scott

Julian Scott studierte Akupunktur am International College of Oriental Medicine (ICOM), später in China. Danach folgte eine intensive Beschäftigung mit der Chinesischen Quellenliteratur. 1984 gründete er die Children´s Clinic for Natural Therapies in Brighton. Julian Scott ist ein international bekannter Lehrer und Dozent. Er hat in vielen Ländern der Welt…