Giuseppe Fatiga

Acupuncture in the Treatment of Anxiety

Clinical Experiences

  • Verlag: Noi Edizioni
  • ISBN: 9788832128925
  • 2021, 187 pages


Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


Traditional Chinese Medicine and Neuroscience

This book is a scientifically rigorous disquisition into all the theoretical and practical aspects of treating anxiety disorders with acupuncture, following the guidelines of evidence-based medicine. Moving backwards and forwards between East and West, in a true play of mirrors, neuroscience and Traditional Chinese Medicine reflect and study each other. The result may seen surprising.

New and old retain all their fascination but each brings something new to the other. If we place all the small pieces in the right order, what slowly emerges is a splendid mosaic, an overarching view that cannot be swayed under this or that discovery, and will always have the true ring of authenticity. It is the Whole that contains the Particular.


  1. The Neurophysiology Of Anxiety 
  2. Evidence Of The Effectiveness Of Acupuncture In The Treatment Of Anxiety Disorders
  3. Anxiety In Traditional Chinese Medicine
  4. Psychic Entities 
  5. Zangfu In Anxiety Disorders 
  6. Acupoint Categories In Tcm 
  7. Acupoints: Clinical Indications 
  8. Syndromic Presentations 
  9. Acupuncture In Clinical Practice 
  10. Integrating Acupuncture And Neuroscience 
  11. Auricular Acupuncture 


Giuseppe Fatiga

Giuseppe Fatiga

Giuseppe Fatiga graduated with honours from the University of Turin, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in 2000, where he started and continued to practice acupuncture and auriculotherapy. He obtained his diploma in general medicine in 2003, qualified as an ultrasound technician at the SIUMB school in 2011 and obtained his…

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