Bernard de Wurstemberger | Philippe Annet

Acupuncture Therapeutic Guide

Syndromic approach to 469 medical conditions

  • Verlag: Foundation LCC
  • ISBN: 9782940729364
  • 2024, 945 pages


Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


In your hands, you have a unique work, written by practitioners for practitioners.
This book presents 469 situations we frequently come across in our practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At the same time, it is an educational and practical tool for both students and experienced practitioners. Its originality lies essentially in its form. The synoptic tables summarise the data in a complete and didactic way. This original presentation of the major pathologies and symptoms encountered in practice should make it easier for the reader to carry out a differential energetic diagnosis and to choose the points and herbal formulae best suited to the clinical situation.


Philippe Annet

Philippe Annet

Philippe Annet is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine since 1984, and founded Acupuncture Without Borders (AWB) in 1992. He is also President of Acupuncture Without Borders International (AWB-I).

Bernard de Wurstemberger

Bernard de Wurstemberger

Dr Bernard de Wurstemberger is an acupuncturist doctor in Geneva since 1980. He has contributed to several books in the Foundation LCC, of which he is a founding member. President of the Association of Acupuncturist Doctors in French Speaking Switzerland from 1999 to 2011, he teaches acupuncture within the framework…

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