Aromatherapy, Massage and Relaxation in Cancer Care
An Integrative Resource for Practitioners
- Verlag: Singing Dragon Publishers
- ISBN: 9781848192812
- 2016, 232 pages
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„This book offers an integrated approach to aromatherapy, massage and relaxation therapies for cancer care and is a complete toolbox of practical resources and techiques to support therapists for all stages of cancer.
Aromatherapy, massage and relaxation are three of the most commonly used therapies in cancer care.
This book offers an integrated approach to using these therapies and provides an evidence-based foundation for complementary therapists working in cancer care settings. International in its scope, the book provides essential information about the ethical and professional context in which therapists can practice and vital facts regarding medical treatment and potential side effects.
Edited by Dr. Peter A. Mackereth and Ann Carter.
With forewords by Anne Cawthorn, Deborah Costello and contributions by Timothy Jackson, Lynne Tomlinson, Graeme Donald, Rebecca Knowles, Paula Maycock, Anita Mehrez, Lydia Nightingale, Dr Jacqui Stringer, Gwynneth Campbell, Reverend Kevin Dunn.
Absolutely invaluable for any nurse, therapist or physician who is exploring ways of ensuring that patients receiving cancer therapy are in the best of health for a successful outcome. Added to a thorough evidence-based text on many non-invasive interventions is perhaps the best overview of cancer and its treatments I have read for a long time. A book that is long overdue and deserves to be widely read.
— Prof Betty Kershaw DBE FRCN, Emeritus Dean, The School of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Sheffield
An evidence-based, user-friendly „“how to…““ book, both for the experienced and new complementary therapist working in cancer and palliative care. It will be helpful to other healthcare professionals too – to see how complementary therapies can make a difference and contribute to integrated care.
The authors have generously shared their knowledge, expertise and experience.
— Marianne Tavares, MSc, Dip. DN, MIFPA, CAHP, Complementary Therapy Consultant, Palliative Care, Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital and Hill House Hospice, Ontario
As a devotee of complementary therapies, I loved this book.
It offers an overview of how three complementary therapies integrate with modern healthcare, and will be useful for anyone who wants to learn about the therapies available, how they work, their evidence base and how they can be incorporated into NHS treatment (…) I recommend this book to anyone involved in cancer care and management.
— Nicola James, prostate cancer nurse consultant“
Ann Carter has worked as a therapist, teacher and co-ordinator in cancer-care settings since she qualified as an aromatherapist in 1989. She also offers workshops for complementary therapists.