Honora Lee Wolfe | Bob Flaws

Better Breast Health Naturally with Chinese Medicine


  • ISBN: 9783936185904
  • 1998, 173 pages


Lieferzeit: ca. 5 - 10 Tage/days


More than half of all Western women, at some point during their lives, have some health complaint involving their breasts, while one in every nine will develop breast cancer. Modern Western medicine has little to offer in the way of preventive care for the breasts, and its remedial treatment, at least for cancer, often seems little better than the disease itself. Traditional Chinese Medicine, on the other hand, has a two thousand year old theory about how and why breasts become diseased.
Based on this theory, there are a myriad low or no cost treatments for both the prevention of breast disease before it arises and the treatment of benign breast complaints which, Chinese medicine says, may evolve into malignant ones.


Bob Flaws

Bob Flaws

Bob Flaws legte das NCCA Diploma in Akupunktur und Chinesischer Arzneimitteltherapie ab und ist Mitglied der National Academy of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine. Er ist als Autor, Übersetzer und Herausgeber von über 50 Werken zur Chinesischen Medizin bekannt und international als Dozent tätig. Seit 1979 betreibt er eine Praxis für…

Honora Lee Wolfe

Honora Lee Wolfe

Honora Lee Wolfe beendete 1988 ihr Studium am Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sie ist als Lehrerin in Europa und Nordamerika tätig und Autorin/Koautorin zahlreicher Fachbücher zur Chinesischen Medizin. Honora Lee Wolfe was the founder and first director of the Boulder School of Massage Therapy. She studied remedial massage…