
Certified Training – Successful Publishing in Science

Human Medicine


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    How to Write, Present and Publish in Biodmedical and Health Sciences: ?
    A Guide for Laboratory Researchers and Clinicians

    Developed by:
    Farzad Salehpour

    Who is this course for?
    This course is designed for undergraduate and post-graduate students as well as research fellow scholars, who want to meet the optimum for any kind of scientific publication in the biomedical and health field (scientific paper, thesis, dissertation, conference presentation etc.).What is the goal/aim of this course?

    What skills will you learn?
    You will complete the following skills:

    How to do a scientific research proposal
    How to write a publishable manuscript
    How to find a proper journal for the submission
    How to support the journal review process
    How to set up a scientific congress presentation

    What is the goal of the course?
    We want you to start your career directly, without detours and setbacks.
    For this purpose, we have brought together the luminaries in a field of modern, future-oriented medicine, the photobiological medicine. They are old hands in this field, have published up to hundreds of papers and know the scientific procedures inside out.

    Table of Contents:

    Michael Hambiln, PhD
    Professor of Dermatology
    Havard Medical School, Boston, USA
    Session 1: Overview on the Course

    The origin of the scientific records
    Types of peer-reviewed scientific articles
    Non-peer reviewed publications
    Authorship criteria
    Importance of peer-review
    Structure of an original research article
    How should we read a scientific article?
    Different components of the scientific article
    How to write a cover letter?

    Manuscript submission

    Marvin Berman, PhD, CBT
    QuietMIND Foundation & Associates
    Philadelphia, USA
    Session 2: How to Prepare a Research Proposal?

    What is the function of a research proposal?
    How we must convince the proposal review board (PRB)?
    Essential components of a research proposal
    Component #1: Working Title
    Component #2: Introduction & Research Problem
    Component #2: Introduction & Research Problem (cont.)
    Component #3: Literature Review
    Component #4: Methodology (Research Design)
    Component #5: Research Management
    Component #6: Ethical Considerations

    Daniel Bourassa, PhD

    Post-Doctoral Fellow, Biological & Biomedical Sciences
    Einstein Medical Institute, Florida, USA
    Session 3: How to Do an Effective Literature Search?

    Some steps for effective literature searching
    Developing a research question
    Relevant keywords
    Using Boolean operators
    What sources we should use?
    Widely used databases 1: Web of Science (WOS)
    Widely used databases 2: PubMed
    Widely used databases 3: Scopus
    Widely used databases 4: Google Scholar
    How to use Google Scholar to find scientific articles?
    Some other non-obvious sources
    Evaluation of literature for quality
    Build a reference database

    Popular reference management software

    Anita Saltmarche, BScN, MHSc
    Clinical Gerontologist
    Saltmarche Health & Associates, Toronto, Canada
    Session 4: How to Read a Scientific Article Efficiently?

    Typical structure of the scientific article
    How to get the most out of an article with the least effort?
    Phase I
    Phase II
    Phase III
    What else we should do?
    Review of example articles

    John Mitrofanis, PhD
    Professor of Anatomy & Histology
    University of Sydney, Australia
    Session 5: Scientific Article: Introduction Section

    What is the role of introduction in a scientific article?
    Why is introduction very important?
    Length & structure of the introduction section
    What information should be included in the introduction?
    Typical flow of the introduction 1: Subject area & topic of research
    Typical flow of the introduction (cont.) 2: Establishing the context
    Typical flow of the introduction (cont.) 3: Literature review
    Typical flow of the introduction (cont.) 4: Purpose statement or hypothesis
    Typical flow of the introduction (cont.) 5: Methodological approaches
    Some tips!

    Miriam Henke, MSc
    Senior Clinical Lecturer
    University of Adelaide, South Australia
    Session 6: How Does the Literature Review Should be done?

    What is the literature?
    Why the literature review is important?
    What does the literature review do?
    Different types of literature review
    Common approaches to structure the literature review
    How we should actually review the literature we found?
    Some tips!
    Review of example articles

    Theodore Henderson, MD, PhD
    Neuro-Laser Foundation, Denver, USA

    Session 7: Scientific Article: Methods Section
    Methods section: an overview
    Different types of research works
    What questions should be answered in the methods section?
    Typical flow of methods section 1: Materials & study design
    Typical flow of methods section 2: Major measurements & calculations
    Typical flow of methods section 3: Statistical analysis
    Some tips!
    Review of example articles

    Daniel Johnstone, PhD
    Post-Doctoral Fellow of Physiology
    University of Sydney, Australia
    Session 8: Scientific Article: Results Section

    What is the results section?
    Organization of the results
    Some styles for reporting data
    Designing the Figures & Tables
    Captions for the Figures & Tables
    Some tips!
    Review of example articles

    Paolo Casano, MD, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Psychatry
    Havard Medical School, Boston, USA
    Session 9: Scientific Article: Discussion & Conclusion Sections

    What is the discussion all about?
    What does the discussion look like?
    Discussion section should answer some questions
    How should we organize the contents in the discussion?
    Some tips for enriching discussion section!
    What is the conclusion all about?
    Language used in the discussion section

    Marvin Berman, PhD, CBT
    QuietMIND Foundation & Associates
    Philadelphia, USA
    Session 10: Scientific Article: Abstract Section

    What is an abstract?
    Main functions of journal abstract
    Main types of abstracts
    Essential elements for an abstract
    Some tips!
    Review of example articles

    Sarah Turner, MSc
    Clinical Neuroscientist
    London, UK
    Session 11: English in Academic and Research Settings

    What should you do after the writing the manuscript?
    Most common writing errors
    Common language errors in scientific article writing #1
    Active or passive voice?
    Which verb tenses should we use in a research article?
    Present tense
    Simple past tense
    Present perfect tense


    Liisa Laakso, PhD
    Professor of Physiotherapy
    Griffith University, Australia

    Session 12: Journal Article Submission Process
    Journal article submission process: Overview
    What should be done immediately after writing the manuscript?
    Authorship criteria & problems
    Journal (publication) metrics
    Journal metrics: Impact Factor – background
    Different types of scientific journals
    Selecting a journal for a publication
    How to write a journal submission cover letter?
    Manuscript formatting & final actions

    Michael Hambiln, PhD
    Professor of Dermatology
    Havard Medical School, Boston, USA

    Session 13: Journal Article Review Process
    Journal article review process
    Step 1: Submission of the manuscript & initial checks
    Step 2: Appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief
    What is the journals’ typical standpoint?
    Why does immediate rejection happen?
    High Impact journals
    Step 3: Invitation to reviewers & response to invitations
    Step 4: Review is performed & Journal assesses the reviews
    Step 5: Decision is communicated & Revision is submitted
    Important issues that should be considered in journal submission

    Joseph DiDuro, DC, MS, DABCN
    Chiropractic Neurologists
    ProNeuroLIGHT LLC, Phoenix, USA
    Session 14: Giving an Effective Oral Conference Presentation

    Use an OUTLINE
    Common presentation problems
    Some important factors!
    Some tips!





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