Evidence-based Anticancer Materia Medica
- Verlag: Springer Verlag
- ISBN: 9789400705258
- 2023, 442 pages
236,39 €
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In the world cancer is one of the most common causes of death and the incidence is increasing, but most cancer patients and survivors suffer greatly from the disease and the side effects of conventional treatments. In the past, clinical data has shown that some complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices have anti-cancer properties, but some clinicians and scientists have questioned the scientific validity of CAM due to lack of scientific evidence. A great need exists to explore the scientific and evidence-based knowledge of CAM in the field of cancer control. To this end, a series of books is needed to provide knowledge to readers in a structured manner.
In recent times, encouraging results have been obtained in both laboratory experiments and clinical trials demonstrating the anti-cancer effects of herbal medicine. Oncologists and cancer researchers are very interested in finding anti-cancer agents in herbal medicine.
This volume is a reference book presenting the latest scientific findings on herbal medicine for cancer. This unique book provides an overview of herbal medicines and remedies for cancer, as well as a detailed evidence-based assessment of 18 common herbal medicines for cancer, covering their biological and pharmacological properties, efficacy, herb-drug interactions, adverse effects, preclinical studies and clinical applications.
This volume, which gathers the views of international opinion leaders, will contribute greatly to cancer research, academic and clinical communities by providing evidence-based information on the efficacy of herbal medicines against cancer.
Oncologists, cancer researchers, pharmacologists, pharmaceutical specialists, Chinese medicine practitioners, medical educators, postgraduates and advanced undergraduates in biomedical disciplines, cancer caregivers, cancer patients.
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