Head and Neck Pain
The Essential Acupuncturists Guide, 2nd ed.
- ISBN: 9781535253970
- 2022, 204 pages
39,95 € – 49,95 €
inkl. MwSt.
plus Versandkosten
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Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage
This book is loaded with clinical pearls that are time tested and patient approved. Who doesn’t want happier and healthier patients? Better outcomes? Less poking and praying but instant results? All the answers are here. Step by step instructions with points, theory, images, examples and case studies. If you have patients that have headaches or any problem from the neck up? You NEED this book! Master Tung, I Ching, Balance method are interwoven and explained to give you maximum healing ability! This is a clinic changer for you and your patients.
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