Jean-Pierre Barral

Liver, Pancreas and Intestine, DVD

17 Treatment Demonstrations

  • 2018, 1 DVD, 55 (+11) min.


Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


New impulses have repeatedly emanated from the work of Jean-Pierre Barral over the past four decades. His concepts and techniques regarding manual treatments of organs have lead Osteopathy and neighboring therapeutic methods into radically new directions. Barral nonetheless remained true to the traditional roots of his discipline, while taking the risk of transgressing the limits of tradition.

For a while now, he has been looking at the impact of manual treatments from a new perspective and rethinking their impact onto organs. This new perspective regards the consequences of visceral manipulation upon neuroendocrine processes happening in the organs and human organism. Thereby, Barral is for the first time moving beyond the biomechanical frame of his work. He now discusses the effects of biomechanical changes in the body upon the endocrine production of vitally important substances. He thereby links the biophysics of the bodily structure to its biochemistry.

The present production of the munich group media on neuroendocrine effects of visceral manipulation is a continuation of the DVDs on the advancements of visceral manipulation.

Each of the three DVDs starts with an introduction:

theoretical introduction, explanation and diagnostic investigation of contraindications

In each case, the topic of neuroendocrine effects is discussed in three steps:

  1. graphic depiction of anatomical and physiological interrelations
  2. detailed explanation of manual diagnosis and treatment techniques
  3. practical demonstration of the particular techniques

Liver, pancreas, and small intestine

detailed explanation of the theory relevant to each organ with stepwise description and demonstration of the treatment techniques and description of the neuroendocrine bearings and neuroendocrine reponse to the applied manual techniques.


Jean-Pierre Barral

Jean-Pierre Barral

Jean-Pierre Barral, Osteopath D.O., ist der Begründer und international führende Vertreter der Viszeralen Osteopathie und kann auf über 30 Jahre praktische Erfahrung zurückblicken. Er leitet die Abteilung Viszerale Manipulation der medizinischen Fakultät in Paris du Nord und ist Direktor des Collège International d’Ostéopathie in Saint Etienne. Neben seiner weltweiten Tätigkeit…

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