J.M.A.E. Biemans

PTNS: Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (video)

or Sp6 stimulation: an evaluation of the possibilities

  • 2013, video, 50 min.

21,00 29,00 

Lieferzeit: sofort verfügbar


Video-Vorschau (5-minütiger Auszug)


Johanna Biemans talks about PTNS (Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation).
She gives some perspectives, a bit of everything from the traditional view point and from the more modern view point.
Her presentation is build up in five parts:
First she starts with historical perspective.
Then she jumps into the main indication of PTNS which is overactive bladder and at the same time an indication of the age group of forty years. Biemanns then jumps to the other parts of the PTNS technique which is the Spleen 6 point and go more in detail.
After that she briefly introduces a new initiative about needling and the needle app.

ASA Kongress 2013, video, 50 min., engl.

Johanna Biemans, born in 1961. After her studies of Physiotherapy at the Higer Institute of Kinesitherapy in Antwerp, Johanna finished the Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medcine course at the Belgian Association of Eastern Medicine. She was directly touched by the beauty of this ancient method. She went to China, Norway and France to follow specialisation courses. But being a scientist in her heart she continued studying Psychology and Philosophy to find answers to the many questions left about the human mind, body and spirit. Since the introduction of Evidence Based Medicine in Healthcare and the paradoxical mission of an ancient medicine to fit into a scientific framework, she works on finding the right way for TCM to develop a scientific status. She studied Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Amsterdam and did research on PTNS (Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation). She published in Neuromodulation, Technology at the neural interface (2013 .Jan,Feb Vol. 16, Iss 1). She is active in the Dutch association of Acupuncture and in the ETCMA as a science coordinator.


J.M.A.E. Biemans

J.M.A.E. Biemans

Johanna Biemans, geboren 1961. Nach ihrem Physiotherapie-Studium am Higer Institute of Kinesitherapy in Antwerpen absolvierte Johanna den Kurs Akupunktur und Chinesische Kräutermedizin bei der Belgischen Gesellschaft für Ostmedizin. Sie war direkt berührt von der Schönheit dieser alten Methode. Sie ging nach China, Norwegen und Frankreich, um an Spezialisierungskursen teilzunehmen. Aber…
