H. MacPherson | Stephen Birch

Research on acupuncture (video)

The state of play and challenges

  • 2011, video, 210 min.

49,00 57,00 

Lieferzeit: sofort verfügbar


Video-Vorschau (5-minütiger Auszug)


A Lecture by Hugh MacPherson and Stephen Birch about Research on acupuncture –
the state of play and challenges at the 3rd Scandinavian TCM Congress 2011.

MacPherson has been involved with studies for about 30 years. He talks about the state of acupuncture research, challenges and successes of acupuncture studies. He points out on what you have to look for when you start your own study. There are a lot of hints.
You will find trial examples and see lacks of studies and how to counteract on this. MacPherson provides a lot of hints to do a research on acupuncture right and gives a lot of concrete examples on current studies. You also find an overview of studies of international reviews on acupuncture.
Stephen Birch, a well-known author and researcher, who has participated on several studies acts as a co-presenter and brings in a lot of background information on current studies.

3rd Scandinavian TCM Congress 2011, video, English, 210 min.


Stephen Birch

Stephen Birch

Dr. Stephen Birch arbeitet seit 1982 mit der japanischen Akupunktur. Er studierte in Japan bei Yoshio Manaka und anderen berühmten Toyohari-Lehrern. Als Dozent unterrichtet er in USA, Großbritannien, Deutschland und Niederlande. Er betreibt in den Niederlanden mit seiner Frau eine Praxis und arbeitet eng mit Kiko Matsumoto zusammen, eine der…

H. MacPherson

H. MacPherson

Hugh MacPherson trained in acupuncture in London and China. He has worked at the York Clinic (formerly the Ch’ien Clinic) as an acupuncturist since its inception in 1982 and as Clinc Director since 1986. He is a member of the British Acupuncture Council with over 25 years of experience behind…
