Spirit of the points, treating five types of depression (Video)
Fünf Arten eine Depression zu behandeln
- 2017, video, 3 Std./ 3 hrs.
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Video-Vorschau (5-minütiger Auszug)
Yair Maimon talks about the Shen points which are treating the 5 types of depression.
In this presentation he gives a special insight view into the diagnosis and treatment of depression.
We will be utilizing psychiatric differential diagnosis of depression together with the deep Chinese scientific medical model of body, mind and shen.
When observing depression and its symptoms, it is strikingly apparent that both the root of the suffering and the source for healing can be examined from 5 types referring to Wu Zhi (5 wills), Wu Shen (5 Spirits) and the 5 elements.
On each meridian, there exist special points that either have Shen or Tian (heaven) in their name, or have a special influence on the mind and shen.
For example: This lecture is a presentation of clinical cases, and discussing additional diagnostic disciplines special ancient observational techniques for evaluating the Shen, understanding the innermost core in order to uncover the true imbalances which are the cause of the symptoms and signs. Chinese Medicine utilizes the patients own healing abilities to cure himself. Therefore, the more precise the diagnosis, the more accurate the choice of points that can create this type of transformation the better we can enhance the patients strengths and potential to harness their self-healing capacity and achieve a cure. In this video you will learn the use of acupuncture points for depression, hear about a the diagnosis of depression and you will get a deeper understanding of acupuncture point, also regarding acupuncture point names and their functions.
Yair Maimon has published several outstanding research articles relating to acupuncture and herbal medicine and is co-author of an insomnia book with Mueller & Steinicke. He is also Director at the Tal Research Center for Integrative Medicine, Institute of Oncology, Sheba Hospital, head of the Israeli centre for research in complementary medicine (NPO) and leading Refuot integrative medical centre, chairman of ICCM International congress of CM in Israel. He is lecturing worldwide and is devoted to treating patients.
TCM-Kongress Rothenburg 2017, video with over 5 hours.
This presentation is in English with German translation.
German title: Der Geist der Punkte, welche die fünf Arten der Depression behandeln.