O. Ernst

Support of infertility patients with concepts of the fireschool


  • 2013, 1 DVD, 85 min.


Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


In this online video Oliver Ernst holds a lecture about supporting patients with desire to have children with the concepts of the Fire School (Fu Yang Pai).
Ernst talks about infertility treatment with Hunyuan. He gives an historic overview and explains the understanding of the fire school in relation to Yin and Yang with focus on the daoist thinking Liu Shan Ren. What attitude the practioners should have in the infertility treatment from the historic understanding. You learn the six rules for a practitioner of the fire school and how to approach the patient to apply to his heart, emotions and spirit rather to physical diseases. How to choose the rights words for talking with fertility patients and to set a good baseline for the fertility treatment.
Later on he talks about the fertility treatment and the usage of different herbs like Fuzi and others. Finally he explains the IVF-treatment with some case studies. The presentation of the Fire spirit skills presentation is a course for specialists.

TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2013,
1 DVD, 85 min., deutsch/englisch, German/English.

deutscher Titel: Unterstützung der Kinderwunsch-Patient/inn/en mit den Konzepten der Feuer-Schule.


O. Ernst

O. Ernst

Oliver Ernst, born in 1968 in Germany. Formation: TCM Expert in Reproductive Medicine (DGRM) (2010-11); Hunyuan Fertility Certification Course (2010-11); Co-Organizer 1st European Hunyuan Medicine Congress (2013) and Co-founder of European Hunyuan Medicine School (2013); International Master Degree TCM with special emphasis on gyneacological problems and infertility CENAC (2005-07); Apprenticeship…