S. Johnson

The best of Master Tung’s magic points Vol. 1 (Video)

Day 1

  • ISBN: S25030.2018405
  • 2018, online video, über 5 Std./ over 5 hrs.

49,00 57,00 

Lieferzeit: sofort verfügbar


Video-Vorschau (5-minütiger Auszug)


Gain a practical understanding of the energetics employed when using Master Tung`s Points. Master Tung Ching Chang was the living heir of a very unique acupuncture system. Though we can utilize our understanding of TCM from the Huang Di Nei Jing, this system stands alone. We will start with a brief history of Master Tung and his lineage, introduce Tung´s acupuncture, and provide an overview of the energetics employed when using Master Tung`s Points. We´ll further detail Master Tung`s Point  system and review the most commonly used acupuncture points and point combinations. In this class, Susan Johnson will provide very detailed point descriptions for a wide variety of the most commonly used acupuncture points and point combinations from this system.

Description: Susan Johnson has been practicing Tung`s Points for over 30 years. In her careful observation of their energetic effects, she has mastered the use of these extraordinary points and developed a very clear and precise way of presenting them. The class will begin with an introduction to the system. In this introduction, she will utilize The Nine Stars of the Magic Square to give you a good basis for your point selection when implementing this system, with a wide variety of points and point patterns that exemplify these energetic pathways.
Point selections may use five element relationships and Internal/External pairs, as well as the I-Ching connections uniquely seen in the Open/Close and Pivot pathway combinations central to correctly utilizing Tung`s points. These energetic connections are what make Tung`s acupuncture far more effective than ordinary textbook acupuncture. The crucial importance of maintaining clear energetic lines using far fewer needles and very carefully chosen points, culminating with immediate and lasting results, will be emphasized.

In this seminar, Susan Johnson´s favorite points in Master Tung`s system are presented in depth with precise anatomical location, operative theory, indications, combinations and case studies. Crystal clear video footage of each point discussed in class will give you perfect comprehension of point location and needling techniques.
Language: English and addional German translation


S. Johnson

S. Johnson

Susan Johnson, L.Ac, has been practicing acupuncture since 1982, and taught her first Tung’s Points class in 1985. A student of Dr. Miriam Lee and Dr. Young Wei-Chieh, Johnson has studied Master Tung’s Points for over 30 years.

Bewertungen (1)

1 Bewertung für The best of Master Tung’s magic points Vol. 1 (Video)

  1. Es gibt wahrscheinlich sehr wenige Lehrer der Master Tung Akupunktur, die sie so genau und einfühlsam unterrichten wie Susan Johnson. Ich habe schon einige Wochenendseminare zum Thema absolviert, aber Susan Johnson, wenn auch nur via DVD, lehrt mich am meisten von allen.
    Mit diesen beiden DVDs, die ich immer wieder ansehe, habe ich schon mehr gelernt und vor allem verstanden als mit allen anderen Fortbildungen zusammen.

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