S. Lilly

The Essence Practitioner

Choosing and Using Flower and Other Essences

  • Verlag: Singing Dragon Publishers
  • ISBN: 9781848192508
  • 2015, 240 pages


Lieferzeit: ca. 5 - 10 Tage/days


The Essence Practitioner is a practical handbook which presents the information you need to know to administer flower and other essences effectively.
Sue Lilly explains the history, types, selection criteria, and evaluation of essences.
She describes the energetic sequence that occurs and provides guidelines for assessing client needs, choosing appropriate essences, using new and innovative applications, creating and supplying essences, and understanding them through perspectives including five element theory, chakras, colours, and subtle body fields.


S. Lilly

S. Lilly

Sue Lilly has been involved in many aspects of healing for over thirty years. She has a wide ranging experience as a therapist and teacher – Flower Essences, Crystal Therapy, Astrology, Yoga, Meditation, Colour Therapy, Nutrition, Spiritual Development and Counselling. Sue is a qualified teacher and holds a Diploma in…