Shu-He Wang | Shou-Shong Yang

The Pulse Classic

A Translation of the Mai Jing by Wang Shu-he

  • 2. ed. 2002, 361 pages


Lieferzeit: aktuell nicht lieferbar / currently not available

Art.-Nr.: 936185750 Kategorien: , ,


A Translation of the Mai Jing by Wang Shu-he. It is the first book in the medical literatured devoted entirely to pulse diagnosis.
The Mai Jing or Pulse Classic was written in the late Han dynasty by Wang Shu-he. It is the first book in the medical literature devoted entirely to pulse diagnosis, and as such is considered a foundation text for anyone interested in understanding the rationale for and methods of reading the pulse in Chinese medicine.
Although complex, this book is a mine of valuable information for those wishing to delve more deeply into the study of the pulse.


Shou-Shong Yang

Shou-Shong Yang

Shu-He Wang

Shu-He Wang

Wang Shu-he lived during the first half of the first millennium. Besides compiling the Mai Jing, he also edited Zhang Zhong-jing’s monumentally important Shang Han Lun/Jin Gui Yao Lue (Treatise on Damage [Due to] Cold/Essentials of the Golden Cabinet). In fact, it was Wang who divided Zhang’s single work into…