Western Herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
How to work with Western herbs
- Verlag: Bacopa Verlag
- ISBN: 9783901618949
- 2013, 455 pages
29,00 €
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Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage
This book by Florian Ploberger is a translation of the 6th revised edition of the book Westliche Kräuter aus Sicht der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine and thus also Chinese phytoptherapy is becoming more and more popular.
Therefore, so-called Western herbs, which are available to us in the West, are described and therapeutically applied according to TCM criteria.
This book describes about 150 herbs with their english names, pharmaceutical, botanical and german names.
In addition a description of the parts of the plants used, their taste, temperature effect, the organs involved and doses are provided as well as detailed descriptions of the actions and individual fields of application of individual herbs.
Comprehensive index,
clearly structured Materia medica,
high practical orientation, comprehensive introductory chapters.
This book serves as an important source of information both for beginners and for experienced therapists.
The book Westliche Kräuter aus Sicht der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (Western Herbs from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective) has been widely published in Europe and its 6th revised edition has already appeared within a few years.
It is now being translated into English due to strong demand.
Including 200 illustrations.