David Bomzon

Yamamoto New cranial acupuncture (YNSA) Part 1 (Video)

in neurological diseases as well as chronic and acute pain

  • Verlag: AGCTM
  • ISBN: S25033
  • 2018, video, ca. 5 Std./ app. 5 hrs.

49,00 57,00 

Lieferzeit: sofort verfügbar



Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is named after the Japanese physician, Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto, who developed this acupuncture system in 1973. YNSA is used to treat neurological conditions, and is both effective and immediate in stroke patients with pain and/or restricted mobility. As a result, the use of YNSA has increased and has become the most frequently used form of acupuncture. YNSA comprises basic acupuncture points (somatopes) mainly on the scalp, as well as on other body regions. In addition to providing symptomatic relief, YNSA is sometimes curative.
The workshop’s duration is 6 hours which is spread over one day. The workshop is an active learning workshop by David Bomzon during which the participants will learn the YNSA macros stem acupuncture points, which were described by Yamamoto and which are currently used to effectively treat a wide range of neurological and orthopedic conditions. In the workshop, participants will learn and practice the location and indications of the four different needling groups of YNSA.

David Bomzon is a therapist and lecturer who specializes in classical Chinese medicine and YNSA. David is the founder of the Pnima Center in Haifa, Israel, which is devoted to the practice of complementary medicine in an integrative manner, and in which patients are encouraged to supplement the benefits of conventional medicine with complementary treatments. Since its establishment in 2007, the center has become the leading center for Chinese medicine in Haifa, and is the leading center for teaching YNSA in Israel. David teaches rehabilitative Chinese medicine and is a senior lecturer in complementary and integrative medicine at Reidman College, which is an established l college for Chinese and complementary medicine in Israel. He is considered a leading authority on YNSA, and is regularly invited to lecture on this topic at professional gatherings and conferences. He is involved in clinical research which is investigating the benefits of YNSA in neurological rehabilitation. Throughout his career as a therapist, lecturer, and mentor, David has pushed for the integral combination of acupuncture, Chinese medicine and scalp acupuncture. Today he is one of the leading therapists in Israel specializing in rehabilitative and integrative acupuncture.


David Bomzon

David Bomzon

David Bomzon is a therapist and lecturer specializing in classical Chinese medicine and YNSA. David is the founder of the Pnima Center in Haifa, Israel, which is dedicated to the integrative practice of complementary medicine and where patients are encouraged to supplement the benefits of conventional medicine with complementary treatments.…
