Chinese herbs and Kampo medicine

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Books about Chinese herbs, Kampo and recipes

In the area of Chinese Herbs you will find books on Chinese medicinal products, formulations by well-known authors such as Bensky and Chen or Hempen and on the preparation (Paozhi) of Chinese medicinal products – both in English and in German. In addition, we also keep books on Japanese Kampo medicine. Especially interesting for therapists are our videos about the use of Chinese herbs and their preparation.

Books on Chinese medicines

The Chinese Herbal Medicine, Materia Medica, by Dan Bensky, S. Clavey and E. Stöger or Hempen, guide phytotherapy describe the mode of action of individual Chinese herbs. Also the Chinese Pharmacology Volume 1 by J.K. Chen and T.T. Chen is a processing of the traditional knowledge under modern pharmacological aspects with many pictures and contraindications. Volume 2 of the Chinese Pharmacology of Chen offers a detailed description of current recipes of Chinese herbs. Both volumes of pharmacology are also available as a set at a special price.

Books on Chinese Recipes

The book Leitfaden Chinesische Rezepturen by Prof. Dr. Hempen, belongs to the books about Chinese recipes and describes the application of Chinese medicines. In addition to the German volume 2 of the pharmacology of Chen/Chen, there is also the original English version of this title, as well as Bensky´s Formulas and Strategies. The book by Huang Huang and Kalg about the classical recipes of Shang han lun is also recommendable.

Paozhi – The preparation of Chinese medicines has an important function with regard to the mode of action of the herbs. The new book by Hummelsberger, Engelhardt, Nögel and Changjiang is the first German-language book on the subject of Pao Zhi.

Chinese medicaments and their use

Classic Chinese recipes and their relation to the pulse of Heiner Frühauf is available on DVD and as an online video in the video centre and explains classic Chinese recipes and their relation to the pulse. Reference books on Chinese phytotherapy describe the selection and use of Chinese herbs in practice. This includes the book Chinese Phytotherapy by Florian Ploberger, in which he explains the functions of the individual herbs within a recipe. The DVD and the online video by Professor Frühauf on phytotherapy as an accompanying measure in relation to psychological and psychiatric complaints from the TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2013 are also recommended. In contrast to books on Chinese herbs, specialist books on the subject of Kampo (Japanese medicinal herbs) describe the mode of action and use of Japanese herbs in Japanese herbal medicine. Another book on Tibetan herbs is by Fu-Kai Huan, An Illustrated Giude to Health Cultivation with Tibetan Medicine, and contains many practical knowledge that can be applied in daily life.