Peilin Sun

Acupuncture management of Neurological pain (DVD)

Neurologische Schmerzen und Akupunktur

  • 2013, 2 DVDs, 341 min.


Lieferzeit: ca. 1 - 3 Tage


Sun Peilin talks about Acupuncture management of neurological pain:
Neuropathic pain, one of the most difficult kinds of pain for people to tolerate, is a complex, chronic pain state that is usually accompanied by tissue injury.
In modern medicine, it is considered that these damaged nerve fibres, within the peripheral or central nervous system, send incorrect signals to other pain centres, which in turn results in continuous chronic pain. However, it is described as retardation or even damage of circulation in the channels and collaterals due to various kinds of aetiologies.

This seminar covers the following topics:
Trigeminal neuralgia – Migraine headache – M. Sudeck – Sequela – Sciatica – Post herpes zoster – Diabetic neuropathy – Multiple sclerosis – Chemotherapy – Alcoholism – Amputation.

TCM Kongress Rothenburg 2013, 2 DVDs, 341 min., englisch.


Peilin Sun

Peilin Sun

Sun Peilin, finished medical study in 1981 and obtained his Master degree of TCM in 1988. 1988 till 1990 lecturer in Nanjing University of TCM. 1990 till present, lecturing TCM in Belgium and some European countries. Since 2000, guest professor at Guangxi university of TCM and Jiangxi college of TCM,…